All About Healthy Choices

Churchill Part II

For years patients told me they tried exercising and eating better but their:
  1. blood pressure
  2. cholesterol
  3. triglycerides
  4. blood sugar
remained abnormally elevated which required prescription medication to control. I certainly wish their efforts didn’t wait until their lifestyle created most of these problems in the first place, however, I was always glad to hear an effort was put forth. As a doctor who cared enough about my patients to diplomatically push the envelope by asking questions that were typically unpopular, I asked my questions during our office visits none the less. These questions included:
  1. Specifically can you tell me what dietary changes you have made? What have you added and in what quantity? What have you subtracted and in what quantity?
  2. How often do you eat your meals in restaurants?
  3. How often do you prepare meals at home rather than just heating them up? (ex. Lean Cuisine)
  4. Describe to me…

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